Ready for Easter

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I have been have some major stress over not having an Easter dress for my little lady yet. I'm sure all you other Moms(and some Dads too!!) can relate! We get so busy busy busy that 3 days before we all make a mad dash to the mall to try to find something appropriate left on the empty racks. Darn all those parents who've actually planned ahead! 

Well, have no fear! This year I am READY! Or, at least 1/3 ready! Introducing the Lorelei Dress by E-Beth Designs! This dress may possibly my favorite EVER!(and that's saying a lot because I have sewn LOTS of dresses!) 

She is loving her new dress!

The Lorelei features: 

My favorite part is the petticoat lining!  It gives this dress just just the right oomph it needs to really stand out and keep it's shape!  And the instructions are extremely easy to follow!

We love the fullness the petticoat adds!
Happy Girl in her Easter Dress!

I really liked the construction for this dress.  The under stitching and hand stitching techniques used really make this garment look professionally made!  I also thought the zipper installation was easy to follow for those who have never sewn a zipper before.  There is even an option for a blind hem!  This pattern has it all when it comes to being well made!

The tutorial is full of wonderful step by step photos and easy to understand instructions.  This pattern is probably best for an intermediate seamstress due to the more advanced techniques used.

I will definitely be making my next dress(oh yes, there will be lots more of these dresses to come!) with the optional sash! I ran out of time and opted for a super cute belt instead.

Zipper closure in back

There's a little secret I have about this dress though.  It is made with Target sheets!  Yes, you read that right.  I found these on sale at my local Target, and couldn't pass them up!  I wasn't sure what I was going to use them for, but when I found out I was testing this dress, I knew they would be perfect!  I love the look of this dress, and the vintage but modern feel it has.  Such a classic style, but not old-fashioned at all!  I also can't wait to play around with mix and matching fabrics!  Maybe the yoke and sash in a coordinating fabric!  My  brain is reeling with ideas!

Gorgeous scoop front yoke

For all my fellow seamstresses out there, come follow E-Beth Designs on facebooketsy, and her website where you can enter to win a copy of the pattern!  I know she has lots more in store and I expect they will be just as fabulous as this pattern!!  

Taking a reading break

If you don't sew and are interested in ordering a dress, head on over to Lady and the gents and send me a message!

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