Boys Can Wear Pink

8:37:00 AM,2 Comments

My husband and I agreed right from the start that we were do our best to not gender stereotype our kids. When our second son was born we bought our oldest his fist baby doll! Our little lady LOVES trucks and trains. And our middle son loves to dress up and play house!

I am so excited to be part of this blog tour! Pink isn't just a girl color anymore. Check out Pinterest or a fashion magazine. Pink is everywhere! Boys of all ages are rocking pink and looking awesome doing it!

My boys love all colors. If my oldest had his way, everything would be a rainbow! Doesn't that sound amazing? Pink doesn't just have to be for girls. And if you're afraid, then just do a little pink to start, and this is the perfect way to do it!

A little pink accent is a great way to introduce this awesome color into a gent's wardrobe! My boys adore bow ties, so I knew these pink bow tie tees would be perfect for them!

The pink star fabric is from Mabel Madison and it is to die for! So buttery soft and sews like a dream! The saying is definitely true, "you get what you pay for!" This euro fabric may not be in everyones price range, but it is well worth it if you can afford it! This splurge was definitely worth it! The colors are gorgeous and the fabric looks wonderful after multiple washings!

My boys have been waiting much too long for me to sew them something, and these Grand Slam Tees fit the bill! Fast, easy, and the fit is always great! It is one of my go to patterns.

Take the leap! Sew something pink for a gent you love! I bet you will be surprised at how awesome it turns out! If girls can wear blue, then boys can were pink!

Don't forget to check out all the other amazing bloggers on the tour, and take a minute to enter the giveaway below for a chance at some awesome prizes!!  Special thanks to Kelly from Handmade Boy for letting me be a part of this!!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!

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