Is it spring yet????

1:24:00 PM,52 Comments

I am ready for spring.  I am so sick of the snow and cold, which means I am now sewing for warmer weather, even though my thermometer outside is still reading 10 degrees.  Short sleeve tops and cute little skirts can be worn with sweaters and tights so it's ok, right?!?!?

I am very fortunate that I get the chance to test for many designers, but one of my most recent tests for a favorite designer has just blown everything else out of the water!  

The Charlotte Collar Top and The Samantha Suspender Skirt from Made for Mermaids were just released and I was lucky enough to test both!!

The Charlotte Collar Top features:
  • sizes 1/2-14
  • two collar options: curved and straight
  • Puff sleeves
  • easy to follow instructions with color photos
  • size chart
  • print guide
  • knit fabrics with woven collar

When deciding what fabric I was going to use, I was really wanting a basic white tee, so I used a simple white interlock fabric, with white ribbing for the collar and armbands.  The collar is a coral and white polka dot that ties in the skirt fabric perfectly!

I chose the rounded collar option and really love how it turned out.  The instructions for the collar are fantastic and the outcome is a beautiful collar that lays so nice!!

The puff sleeves are so darling!  Since making this version, the armbands were taken in a bit in the final version.  I mashed up the size 1/2 with the 2 length, since I wanted her to be able to wear this top for a long time!  

Now on to the skirt!!!!!

The Samantha Suspender Skirt features:
  • sizes 1/2-14
  • two skirt options: flat front or faux button placket
  • vintage length
  • optional suspenders
  • easy to follow instructions with color photos
  • size chart
  • woven fabrics
  • optional pockets
  • only pattern piece is for pockets
I found this AMAZING floral fabric at my local JoAnn Fabric Store and fell in love!  It screams spring to me and it had the exact look I was looking for!

The faux button placket is awesome and so easy to do!  I love the look with BIG BUTTONS down the front, and so does the little lady!

Should we talk about the back???  I think we should!  Let's just say it's the BEST!  The tie back suspenders may be my most favorite part of this entire outfit!  And moms of older girls who don't want a bow, this would be a super easy fix!  Shorten the suspenders and add buttons for easy removal!  I think I may do that for my next skirt!  Or leave the suspenders off all together and you have another amazing look!

This little lady adores this new outfit so much she let me take photos two days in a row!!  She didn't want to take it off!

The sizing on these patterns are perfect!  These are both size 1/2 with 2 length, perfect for my tiny little thing, but enough room for growth!!!  And both patterns are super easy to adjust if you need to mash sizes like I do!

You can't go wrong with either of these patterns!  Both are going to be a must have for the little ladies in your life! 

Ready for the best part??  Megan from Made for Mermaids is graciously giving away both patterns to one of my lucky readers!  How awesome is that?!?!?  Make sure you enter below for your chance to win both of these awesome patterns!!!  Giveaway ends 2/12 at midnight EST!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing <3

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    1. I will prolly make a CubScout Master themed outfit for my lil girl so she can look just like mommy!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Gorgeous fabric choices! Can't wait to give these patterns a go! LOVE that they go up to size 14!!

    4. I would do a flat front vintage length with suspenders! Oh and a curved collar.

    5. So cute, love your fabric choices.

    6. I'd make a flat front vintage length with suspenders! So cute :)

    7. Collared top with flat front suspender skirt in vintage length. Perfection!

    8. Flat front with suspenders! Curved collar shirt!

    9. Rounded collar top and flat front skirt, no suspenders

    10. Rounded collar, button front, tie-back suspenders, definitely!

    11. Rounded collar and the vintage length with suspenders!

    12. I am in love with this pattern. I really love vintage feel designs and a couple of my granddaughters are not into that ruffle stage anymore so this is perfect.

    13. Adorable! I'm loving the skirt with suspenders and the curved collar on for the top! So cute!

    14. I love the one pictured above!! Very cute!

    15. I just both both! Love your version :)

    16. I will probably try all versions, eventually! I Love M4M!!

    17. I would love to try all the variations on my little princesses! This is such a classic little outfit!

    18. Faux button skirt with squared collar top. Yours is very cute.

    19. I would make them all!

    20. Flat front skirt with round collar top

    21. Flat front vintage length suspenders and round collar!! Love love love!

    22. Flat front vintage length suspenders and round collar!! Love love love!

    23. Loving the round collar and the faux button placket, now just needing to get some of those beautiful wooden buttons.

    24. I love this outfit! My daughter doesn't like pants so we are always looking for more options. I would like to make the pointed collar and flat front skirt :)

    25. I love the suspenders and rounded collar!

    26. I am in love with these patterns. I want to make all of the versions!! <3

    27. Vintage fabric in the flat front skirt with fixed suspenders, and pattern mash some elbow length sleeves with rounded collar, ready for an Australian autumn!

    28. I think think is the cutest little dress ever. I would love to try to make this for my daughter with the round neck.

    29. Soooo freaking cute!!! Gorgeous fabric!!

    30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    31. I would eventually do all versions, but first, with suspenders, button, and pockets!

    32. I'd love to try a suspender version and a button placket/no suspender too for Spring/Summer. Both with pockets, bien sûr! And the top, round collar and no collar too. Too cute.

    33. Oh gosh, this is adorable! I'd definitely do the curved collar top with faux button placket skirt and suspenders.

    34. Flat front vintage length and round collars! Swoooooooon! Love the whole ensemble so much.

    35. I will make it with suspenders and round collars!

    36. Definitely the flat front vintage length with suspenders! Already have my fabric picked out!

    37. The more I see the Samantha, the more I want it. I would do the vintage flat front.

    38. The more I see the Samantha, the more I want it. I would do the vintage flat front.

    39. Flat front suspender with POCKETS! Love clothes on my kids with pockets, great to see what wonders they've found and put in there during the day! And the curved collar top :)

    40. Love your outfit! Would love to try a set for my little one for the spring.

    41. I'd love to sew the round collar, suspenders with bow and fake button placket.

    42. I would do the round collar & the flat front with suspenders. I love this outfit!!!!
