One Thimble Magazine Review {Issue 9}

6:57:00 AM,6 Comments

Life has been crazy.  Between 2 boys in school and 1 little lady at home with me, after school activities, jobs, and everyday insanity, busy doesn't begin to describe my life.  The One Thimble Blog Tour is one thing I am {never} too busy for! 

If you haven't heard about One Thimble, you are either living under a rock or you are new to the world of online sewing. If you know all about it, then you already know that this amazing sewing magazine will be your favorite resource for patterns, tutorials and articles.  With 14 PDF patterns and 27 articles/tutorials/interviews, One Thimble is a fantastic way to learn new techniques for sewing and crafting, and great ways to grow and build your business.

Issue 9 is stuffed full of amazing articles and interviews.  My favorite was "Plan your way to social media Nirvana".  As a virtual media assistant and blogger for Violette Field Threads, I find myself constantly on social media, either posting, commenting, or writing on multiple platforms.  This article was extremely helpful and gave some great advice for planning and content.  For anyone running a business,  this article is a must read!

I also found the article "Top Tips for Fab Flat Lays" extremely helpful.  As a WAHM who owns a small clothing boutique, I am either sewing of photographing what I have sewn.  I often struggle with photographing when it is not on a model, and this article was just what I needed!  The pointers and helpful tips about presentation the use of props were wonderfully helpful, and I can't wait to put all this new knowledge to work!

I also {love} the new layout for the magazine!  All articles are in the beginning, and all patterns are at the end.  I personally find it much easier to navigate and really like the flow of the magazine.

After getting a look at the full issue, I knew I had to sew a few things up, and what better than a dress with some matching accessories.  

The Cross Bow Dress from Boo! Designs fit the bill.  I instantly fell in love with this dress and new that my little lady needed it, even if it is almost winter here!

This dress features sizes 0-8, dress of peplum options, cross back straps, removable bow, and side invisible zipper.

I opted to leave off the bow, but it can easily be added later if I decide her dress just {needs} it!

The instructions were extremely easy to follow, and the zipper tutorial was wonderful, with great drawings and step by step instructions, a zipper novice will be able to tackle this with no issues.  Unless you have a defective and don't realize it until it's too late!!  GRRRRRR  I will be taking this zip out and putting in a new one since this one felt the need to pull part at the teeth. :(

My daughter falls slightly smaller than the 12 month chest measurements, but needs the length of a 2, which is normal for her.  I did find the finished dress to be a slim fit in the bodice, so next time I will size up a bit for a bit more room.  

And did you see the hem???  No need to fret about having to tediously hem the circle skirt!  The instructions for hemming with bias tape are amazing and so easy!  I chose a fabulous gold bias tape for a fun look!

My daughter adores her new dress, but no dress is complete without the proper accessories, and for my little lady that means hair accouterments.

Together we perused the magazine, looking at what we thought would work with her new dress, and we decided on the Good Fortune Headwrap from Rosie Petal   and Festive Felties from Molly and Mama.

The Good Fortune Headwrap is a super quick and easy pattern that has a lovely vintage vibe.  I adore the look of this headwrap.  

It also comes in 3 different size widths and size newborn-adult, this pattern is perfect for all ages!

My little lady wore hers all day and wouldn't take it off!  And unlike other headbands, this one doesn't move throughout the day!  It stayed put and looked oh so cute all day long!

I made mine in a cotton lycra and opted for the concealed edge option, but if you are in a hurry, (although this pattern is so unbelievably quick) sew the exposed edge version!  Either way gives you a super cute finished product!

I will be making many more of these!  It is the perfect hair accessory to help keep those crazy baby hairs out of my little lady's face, but still have her looking cute!

The Festive Felties are adorable felt accessories that can be used to make a plethora of items!  I decided on a hair clip, but put these on a headband, as an applique on a dress or top, on a gift, as a Christmas ornament, the possibilities are endless!

These felties come in 3 different templates: Mouse, Reindeer, and Cupcake.  They can be made for all kinds of occasions.  I decided on an everyday cupcake, because no day is complete without dessert!

The directions for all the felties are easy to understand.  There is hand sewing involved with these, but I assure you it is well worth it!

My hand sewing is a little lacking on this cupcake, but I was going for a {childish} vibe, and think the overall look is just darling!

I love the size of these felties.  While they are large, I think they look great as a hair clip and really help pull the whole outfit together!  My daughter wants many more of these clips, and I have a feeling all of her friends will be wanting these too!

{Issue 9} did not disappoint!  The patterns are top notch and the articles and informative and enjoyable.  You will definitely want to pick up your own copy of One Thimble today!  Enter below for your chance to win a copy of One Thimble Issue 9!  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  And don't forget to check out all the amazing bloggers participating in the blog tour!


One Thimble Magazine Review {Issue 8}

8:00:00 AM,8 Comments

Every time the One Thimble blog tour comes around I jump at the chance to be a part of it! I have been lucky enough to participate is a few OT blog tours in the last year!  I always get excited when a new issue comes out!

If you don't know much about One Thimble, it is a digital sewing magazine that releases quarterly and contains many many pdf patterns.  This issue has 12 new patterns included, ranging from accessories to clothing to quilts!  It also includes amazing articles about perfecting your business, bettering your sewing skills, and awesome tutorials.  I once again had the opportunity to look over the entire magazine.  I spent a better portion of an afternoon perusing the magazine!  I am loving all the articles and tutorials!

My favorites are the quick and easy storage bags tutorial, which is perfect for my two boys who start school next month!  I will be winning mom of the year award for the awesome super hero bags they will be getting!

I also really enjoyed the article on creating quality pins and how to create a stylized photo shoot!  Both will be extremely helpful with my business.  I am also excited on using the tutorial on how to add a faux button placket to patterns!  

And while I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the articles and tutorials, I had to get my hand on some of the patterns to sew up!  I decided that I don't sew enough accessories and it was high time I changed that!  

The first pattern I chose was the Coco Flower Crown from Molly and Mama.  Ok, confession.  This crown is on the cover and I just about fell out of my chair when I saw it!  I knew I had to sew this up!!

This crown has 7 succulent and 5 flower patterns to chose from!  I decided to go BIG, so I made a variety of flowers and succulents for my little lady's crown!

I adore this pattern and I will be making a million more!  The instructions are wonderful and so easy to follow.  

I went out and got some new smaller scissors just for this project because some of these pattern pieces are tiny.  It worked so much better than my regular pair of scissors!  

What I loved about this pattern is you can really take the flowers and do whatever you want with them!  I chose to add them on a linen ribbon for a more vintage feel, but these could easily be placed on an alligator clip!  Add them to a stretchy headband, or even use them to decorate a beautiful wreath!  The possibilities are endless!

I can't wait to make some hair accessories for my daughter and all her little friends!  Any little princess will adore these!

The Fat Red Bird Fedora from Fat Red Bird Designs is the perfect hat for kids of all ages!  I love that this pattern ranges in size from child to adult!  Everyone in the family can rock one!

I was super lucky that my good friend, sewing sister, and fellow blogger/sewist, Erin from Crafty  Biggers,was visiting me and let me con her into photos!

The instructions were so easy to follow and included color photos along with drawings in the pattern itself.
This is the second hat I made, and this came together really well!

I love the topstiching details that the pattern includes!  I will do one more row on the brim next time for fun!  

The one mistake I did make was to not use a sturdy enough fabric from the inside.  Next time I will use a heavier weight fabric like the pattern suggests.  This was all my fault since I wanted to use something in my stash.  I still like the finished outcome and Erin looks fantastic in this hat!  I will be making these for my boys since they are begging for hats of their own now!!!

One Thimble is available NOW, so get your copy here, or visit the website to buy individual patterns!  Or enter below for your chance to win a copy of this awesome magazine!!!  

And please take a moment to check out the other amazing bloggers on this tour!!  


BG newest- Meet the Allie Oop

9:14:00 AM,3 Comments

I'm back and better than ever!  4 months is a long time to be gone.  Saying I've missed blogging would be an understatement!  I've taken a bit of a hiatus, dealing with family and end of the school year obligations, but school's out and summer in in full swing!

And you know what that means???  More time for sewing!!!!  With all the kiddos being home I have a little more wiggle room on when I can sew.  I don't have to worry about rushing to the bus stop or driving to an after school activity!  Now all we worry about is how long it's been since the last sunscreen application and making sure we stay hydrated during our hours and hours of fun outside!

When Amy from brownie-goose asks you to test a new pattern you do NOT say no!  You thank her profusely because you know the waiting line to test for her is never ending!

I about fell out of my chair when I saw this design!  The simplicity of it combined some of my favorite things!  

Amy really knows how to do a good keyhole!  The tie front is darling, but you could even do a button loop! I adore the vintage yet modern flair!  Seriously, it is becoming one of my most favorite patterns!

The button tabs at the back are one of my favorite elements, a perfect detail to showcase some beautiful buttons!  And you can make them functioning or non-functioning.  I choose to make them non-functioning since my little lady is just that, little! lol  And being tiny means her head is tiny, so no need for extra melon room ;)

As always, the instructions for this pattern make you feel like you are sewing with your best girlfriend!  I love to "chit chat" while I sew, so brownie-goose patterns are perfect for me!  And I may be a little bias since they were the first ever pattern I used!!(Thanks to my SIL, Kari for introducing me to them!!)

The size range on this one is wonderful, 6months-12years!!  That is a HUGE size range!  And I know how much those pre-teens need good patterns!  And I will tell you, the testers with older girls did an amazing job and their girls adored this dress/top just as much as the little ones!

Oh, did you catch that?  Yes, I said dress/top!  Because both lengths are included!  Gotta love having options!

So here's the sad news people......this pattern doesn't release until Friday! :(  I know, I know..... grab a tissue and dry those eyes!  I promise it is worth the wait!  ****EDIT!!!!!  It's LIVE!!!  Get it now!!!!!!!!  Allie Oop****

Until next time....Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!


Boys Can Wear Pink

8:37:00 AM,2 Comments

My husband and I agreed right from the start that we were do our best to not gender stereotype our kids. When our second son was born we bought our oldest his fist baby doll! Our little lady LOVES trucks and trains. And our middle son loves to dress up and play house!

I am so excited to be part of this blog tour! Pink isn't just a girl color anymore. Check out Pinterest or a fashion magazine. Pink is everywhere! Boys of all ages are rocking pink and looking awesome doing it!

My boys love all colors. If my oldest had his way, everything would be a rainbow! Doesn't that sound amazing? Pink doesn't just have to be for girls. And if you're afraid, then just do a little pink to start, and this is the perfect way to do it!

A little pink accent is a great way to introduce this awesome color into a gent's wardrobe! My boys adore bow ties, so I knew these pink bow tie tees would be perfect for them!

The pink star fabric is from Mabel Madison and it is to die for! So buttery soft and sews like a dream! The saying is definitely true, "you get what you pay for!" This euro fabric may not be in everyones price range, but it is well worth it if you can afford it! This splurge was definitely worth it! The colors are gorgeous and the fabric looks wonderful after multiple washings!

My boys have been waiting much too long for me to sew them something, and these Grand Slam Tees fit the bill! Fast, easy, and the fit is always great! It is one of my go to patterns.

Take the leap! Sew something pink for a gent you love! I bet you will be surprised at how awesome it turns out! If girls can wear blue, then boys can were pink!

Don't forget to check out all the other amazing bloggers on the tour, and take a minute to enter the giveaway below for a chance at some awesome prizes!!  Special thanks to Kelly from Handmade Boy for letting me be a part of this!!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!